High-fiber foods are one of the most important food groups that we must include into our diet. Because these foods help in regulating numerous body functions. The most important role of high fiber foods is their ability to relieve constipation.
Besides that, high fiber foods are among the most potent foods when it comes to weight loss. The reason? These foods help you bulk up on dietary fiber which promotes weight loss and improves your health overall.
A high-fiber meal takes very long to be chewed, so you eat less. They also take a long time to digest, very slowly releasing sugar into the bloodstream, so you feel fuller for longer.
High-fiber foods also tend to have a very low calorific value, besides also being rich in antioxidants and micro-nutrients, which play a vital role in weight loss and helping you fight disease and infections.
High fiber foods fill up the stomach and hence control your hunger pangs. Therefore, your daily food gorging will lessen up and you will also be able to avoid unhealthy snacks.
High-Fiber foods contain both soluble and insoluble form of fiber. The soluble fiber absorbs water and forms a gelly environment inside the gut.
This gel formation reduces the rate of sugar absorption into the blood and hence lowers the blood sugar level. This, in turn, lowers the insulin levels which helps in reducing fat storage in the body.
High-fiber foods are known to help beneficial gut bacteria, which releases certain substances that reduce the levels of body inflammation.
One of the major impacts of inflammation in the body is that it reduces the effectiveness of the weight control hormone, leptin. Hence high-fiber foods help in weight loss by reducing body inflammation.
The viscous soluble fibers in the high-fiber foods form gelly substances, mentioned above. This gel then covers the gut and slows down the process of stomach emptying.
Besides being excellent for weight loss, there are numerous health benefits of fiber. From reducing the risk of formation of kidney stones to increase absorption of different nutrients.
Besides helping you keep your overeating in check, high fiber foods have a host of other benefits.
1. Your bowel movements are better regulated if you eat a high-fiber diet.
2. Eating foods high in fiber ensures that your blood sugar and bad cholesterol levels in the blood remain low, thus protecting your heart.
3. It has been observed that eating fibrous foods before a meal decreases the amount of food intake overall which helps you control your obesity and results in weight loss.
Looking for fiber supplements? We bring to you the following tips to increase your fiber intake through our daily diet.